Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  I submitted a request for a file of DRIE-SWO member contact information: how’s that coming along?A:  Your DRIE-SWO Executive takes member feedback/requests seriously but Privacy Act restrictions prohibit us from distributing member contact information.

Other DRIE chapters do not provide member contact information either.

At each table at our symposia though, DRIE-SWO will continue to provide a list of attending members for those who agreed to have their information shared, We encourage members to use our symposia for one-to-one networking opportunities.

Q:  I have not been receiving notifications of upcoming symposia from you: I only heard about them through word of mouth.  Can you fix this for me?

A:  We will put notifications of upcoming symposia in issues of the bimonthly Member Update a few months before each event, in the biannual newsletter (spring and fall) and on our website in the "Events, News and Updates" gadget on the right side of all pages.

In addition, the DRIE-SWO President is now forwarding details on our upcoming symposia to other DRIE Chapter Presidents for distribution to their members. 

Still not receiving our bi-weekly updates? Then please sign in and use the website MMS functionality make sure we have your correct email address on file.
Q:  I like the symposia!  Why not have them quarterly? (instead of semi-annually?)A:  We are glad you like the Symposia; your executive puts a lot of effort into designing and planning these sessions so they will benefit our members. 

DRIE-SWO did try holding quarterly ‘half day’ sessions a little while ago but meeting attendance for them was lower.

With members widely dispersed geographically, we adopted full day symposia to provide more networking, optimized travel time, etc.
Q:  I have registered with or want to join your chapter:  how do I pay my membership fee?There are two ways to pay your membership fee:  either ...

1)  online via PayPal from our website 
         Take the link at the bottom of the Membership tab:
         as a PayPal account holder or as a guest of PayPal 
2)  by cheque, payable to  “DRIE-SWO Treasurer
         Mail to:  1069 Viscount Road, London ON, N6K 1H6
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